UHPC Roof for Teahouse

Pour in place Ductal UHPC concrete.

As far as we know this is the first time a pour in place roof UHPC structure has been attempted in Canada. Careful preparation was needed to ensure a steady flow of concrete once the pour was started. Cold joints could not be tolerated as the whole concept is for a waterproof monolithic pour.

UHPC Roof for Teahouse

Self Consolidating challenges

UHPC by nature is a self consolidating, self levelling product. The product was installed in horizontal lifts with temporary forms to stop the material from flowing across the whole roof structure. 

Grinding the UHPC

Once Szolyd Development finished the placing and finishing of the UHPC roof, our team was brought in to grind and polish the roof. The highly fibrous ductal concrete mix was hand ground first to smooth the surface before larger machines were lifted up.

UHPC Roof for Teahouse

UHPC is hard on diamonds

30,000 psi ductal concrete proved very hard on diamond segments. Once the right combination was found, the work grinding and polishing was finished in a couple days.

UHPC Roof for Teahouse

UHPC Concrete

Imagine the possibilities