Stone Design specializes in concrete surface preparation for the flooring industry. Our arsenal of concrete grinders and extensive experience means that we can bring the right tool to the job, get it done fast, and have backup machinery if something breaks down. Our staff is trained to WCB standards and follow all procedures for indoor air quality monitoring. We know how to deal with all types of adhesives, remove mortar and grouts and patch damaged sections with materials that bond permanently.
We believe in doing our best to maintain the best possible indoor air quality while grinding floors. By using the strongest possible vacuums and negative air units, Victoria Stone Design can minimize the exposure of concrete dust and silica.
Grinding and flattening using lasers to bring floors to tolerance. Every floor system requires a different level of flat or level, you tell us how far to go.
Our crews are trained to use self levelling compounds to bring floors to with tolerance. when considering patching, it is very important to make sure that the area is adequately cleaned, and the surface is primed.
Self Consolidated Concrete floors can reduce labour and cost for bigger areas than expensive self levelling products.
We can remove oil stains, paint and adhesives with mechanical or chemical processes.
We know what system removes every possible layer that can be applied to concrete. These include black mastic, pressure sensitive glues, epoxies, coatings, traffic markings, asphalt tile, laitance, rust, and adhesives.
amps, walkways and floors need to meet a coefficient of friction for their specific purpose. We can use various techniques including sandblasting, acid etching and shot blasting to achieve your desired profile.
We can smooth and polish exposed aggregate and rain damaged slabs that have visible pitting and are torture to walk on with bare feet.