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There are several products that can be used to fill the hole, which can then can be re-polished to blend in with the existing floor. We do our best to create simulation, however, this will be a patch and it may still be noticeable in the finished floor.

All spills should be cleaned as soon as possible. Our polished concrete floors are coated with a stain resist product which helps protect against water and oil based stains. Though an exception for staining will include a material, especially acid based and left on for a long period of time, making the polished concrete vulnerable to marking.

Polished concrete floors meet ADA requirements for slip resistance. Kept dry and clean, polished concrete floors are less slippery than your average commercial tile.

Although polished concrete is not recommended for exterior applications because it is too slippery, we have a modified process to create a similar aesthetic with a more appropriate finish.

The process is not dust-free, however, the machines are connected to vacuums that greatly reduce air particles. Sometimes we may need to wet polish to expose more aggregate, this process will produce a wet slurry that we work to great lengths to contain for our disposal

From 200 ft2 to 1000 ft2 per day/per machine can be achieved. This average is subject to change depending on the layout of each individual floor.